To my conservative brothers and sisters

This is still America and we will endure.  This is not the end for you but a chance to re-evaluate.  I don’t believe that Obama can ruin a country that was already in decline under a Republican President with a Republican congress for most of that.  Honestly was anyone really happy with GWB? 

The Republican Party needs to do better.  They need to bring forth candidates and stand for issues and resonate with the voters.  No longer can the GOP put up just about anyone because its base is voting against the lesser of two evils.  I believe America is ready and needs to vote FOR candidates and issues now.

On issues that are divisive a better case needs to be made, the electorate will have final say.  That is the way it should be.  The electorate is NOT happy with the Republican Party including Republicans themselves.  I’m not saying Republicans need to be more like Democrats, I’m saying Republicans need to offer a (better) choice that better reflects what America is and holds dear. 

Socialism isn’t what America is about.  It won’t work here, nor does it work anywhere else.  Americans don’t want to all be equal to the lowest common denominator.  We want a chance to excel within a FAIR system.  A system and belief that empowers its citizens to go out and make something of themselves and be rewarded for it. 

When the system gets out of balance as it is (banking, insurance, health care) change in one form or another will come.  The more out of balance the faster change will come.  There are a LOT of people that have shifted away from the Republican Party because it became exclusive rather and inclusive.  The pendulum will swing back hard and fast if the new administration and congress can’t find that balance.

Now is time to shed the shackles of greed and resentment.  Now is the time to define what it is to be and American.  If the same old (fear) formula is used,  it too will be doomed.  The GOP will either die or another (Libertarian) party will emerge to fill the void.  Hopefully it can avoid the same mistakes.

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